Triad Artists

Ellyce passed me on these websites regarding the artist Krzysztof Wodiczko

Out of Here



From this one it describes his projections (This seems like an amazing website worth bookmarking)

‘By appropriating public buildings and monuments as backdrops for projections, Wodiczko focuses attention on ways in which architecture and monuments reflect collective memory and history. In 1996, he added sound and motion to the projections, and began to collaborate with communities around chosen projection sites—giving voice to the concerns of heretofore marginalized and silent citizens who live in the monuments’ shadows. Projecting images of community members’ hands, faces, or entire bodies onto architectural façades, and combining those images with voiced testimonies, Wodiczko disrupts our traditional understanding of the functions of public space and architecture.’

The Hiroshima Project 1999

For Ellyce I thought that Amy Stacey’s beautiful drawings on Order and Disorder  (Bates College Museum of Art, Maine) linked in with the oredered and controlled aspect of Ellyces work

I also thought of Kathy Prendergast  From the Tate

Kathy Prendergast (from Frith Gallery)

 Kathy Prendergast at the Kerlin Gallery

Six Artists who use maps in their work

I also thought of Action painters (eg Pollock) because they seem to be the opposite of control and are looking at the gestural free aspects.

Even though Ellyce and my work are very different we are both interested in the body and gesturing.